Sunday, 31 October 2010

October 2010 meeting

Guild News

The second Guild crochet group will now be meeting at Epping on the 2nd Monday of the month from 12.30- 2.30 .

There will be a Lace Workshop on November 7th Sunday , from 10-4 with Smila Smithers. $40 for members $50 non-members . Contact Yvonne for details, which can also be found on the Guild website.

Next year’s camp at Kurri Kurri has been booked for the October long weekend. Helpers are needed by the executive for many tasks such as general administration and workshops. Please contact Eleanor if you can help.

St Ives Show approached the Guild and asked if a Guild group could take on some of the work for the show in May 2010. The group would help with work on the schedule, judging, be on-site for receipt of entries and displaying . We will contact Penrith show to see whether they would like this sort of collaboration with our group. Most people at the meeting agreed that they would like to be involved at this level. Alison will make the necessary contact

A member of the Guild has shown an interest to set up a new group in Castle Hill . Please contact Merrin if you know of interested people or possible venues.

The Guild requires tutors for workshops to various groups. Please contact the Standards Committee if you wish to teach a workshop.

The Guild requires a CPA with the expertise to audit their accounts . This will be an unpaid job for someone outside of the Guild. If you know of anyone who may volunteer, please contact Merrin.

Our Meeting

Merrin was welcomed on her official visit as Guild President.

Welcome to our visitors, Fiona, Rhonda and Diane. We hope you had a good time and will join us again.

It was a fairly quiet meeting as snow had been falling on the Mountains.

Fiona Donovan was to give a workshop on Colour Theory in Knitting but was unable to attend. Her hard drive was corrupted and all her notes and presentation were lost. She will reschedule for next year.

If you have any suggestions for workshops please contact Vicki Hughes as we need to finalize the 2011 workshop list next meeting so that it can be printed up and handed out for the December meeting.

Dates for your Diary

The Red Cow group meets on the 1st Sunday of the month at 1.30 upstairs at the Red Cow pub opposite Penrith station. Nice lunch and lots of laughs.

Emu Plains craft group meets on the 2nd and the 4th Wednesday at Emu Plains Community Centre opposite the Lennox Centre . Morning tea is provided.

Next month
AGM and a retail visit from Belisa Cashmere.
We have to finish early as the room is booked after us.
Afternoon tea roster is Shirley, Lois, Lynne and Meredith .

Vicki Hughes won the raffle.

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