Thursday, 30 September 2010

September 2010 meeting

Guild News

The meeting with the Easter Show Arts Committee has resulted in changes to the schedule to include new categories such as Intarsia, Young People, Tea Cosies and Accessories. The Guild will now work with the Arts Committee to continue work on the schedule and to help with the displays. There were complaints after some articles were damaged in this year’s show. A proposal was put up to have an after show meeting with feedback from Guild members about the Show.

The Guild’s Standards Committee are doing an in-house publication of hints and tips for the show.

There will be a second crochet group meeting on the 4th Monday of every month from 12.30 to 2.30 at Epping.

We have been advised that the Australian Defence Force no longer needs helmet liners . Alison will know more at the next meeting.

Our Meeting

Welcome to the visitors (Julie and Therese) from the West Ryde group. We hope you enjoyed our visit.

Alison will start a suggestion book that will be kept near the sign in book. Please write in any workshops or changes that you would like to see happen. One suggestion was to purchase more books for the group especially the two Loani Prior tea cosy books. Another was to get-together and make tea cosies to enter in the Morpeth show.

Congratulations to Joanne who won a prize at the Penrith Show. Joanne urged us all to enter next year .

Retail: We welcomed Michelle from Wooldancer who came to talk about her lovely spinning fiber and yarns. Her young daughter Alia showed us her handknits that won a prize at the Bendigo show. She made a hat a bag and a scarf from yarn that she spun herself.

Workshop: Our workshop was cast-on techniques with Lynne. Her guide was Montse Stanley's fabulous The Hand Knitter's Handbook. Lynne talked about the loop cast-on , two-stranded (long tail) cast-on and tubular cast on, and how to choose the right cast-on for your project. Thank you for another workshop Lynne. (Written by Diane)

Dates for your Diary

25th and 26th September: Alpaca show at Hawkesbury Race Course. There will be a spinning and knitting competition that Suzanne and Alison will be involved in. Petlins, Virginia Farm , Kurrajong and Springwood Spinning groups will all be there.

Next Month

For our October meeting we will have a stash sale and a talk from Fiona Donovan of the Inner City group on colour. We will also have an Official Visit from the Guild President. For the stash sale please bring your unwanted books and yarn to sell or give away.

The raffle was won by Janette. First Prize was a $25 gift voucher from The Wool Inn. Three balls of yarn were won by Vicki , Robyn and Clare.

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