Tuesday, 30 November 2010

November meeting 2010

The AGM of the Blue Mountains Group
 All positions declared vacant and the of last AGM accepted.
Group Annual Report:
  • Merrin stepped down as convenor when elected President of the Guild.
  • Alison stepped in as convenor even though she was a new member.
  • We had workshops by Lynne on Double Knitting, Slip stitch Colourwork and Cast on Techniques; Vicki gave a workshop on Tunisian crochet. Many thanks, Lynne and Vicki. Anita and Bess from the wool Inn held a workshop on the Hungarian “stash eater” Rug .
  • We had two all day workshops. One from Jude Skeers on Moebius Knitting and one from Lynne Johnson on Feral Knitting and colorwork.
  • We had retail visits from The Wool Inn, Evelyn and Rex Reynolds, Lush Yarns, Virginia Farm Woolworks, Suzanne’s House of Wool, Wooldancer and Belisa Cashmere .
  • We held a stash sale and had many wonderful show and tell sessions.
  • Our member won prizes and exhibited at the RAS, Hawkesbury , St Ives , Blacktown and Castle Hill Shows.
  • Members participated in the Kurrajong Back-to-Back Challenge, Wrap with Love and WWKIP Day .

Group Executive
Convenor - Terry
Secretary - Diane
Treasurer - Ann

Other organisational volunteers
Workshop convenor - Vicki
Blog - Lynne
“Meet and Greet” - Rosie
Afternoon tea roster - Yvonne
Library - Jo

 General Business
Jo will ring people to remind them that their library book is late; fee will be charged if book is more than two months late.
Our library will buy the 2 Loani Prior tea cosy books. As a group we will also buy a subscription to Rowan magazine and the English version of Burda magazine for our library.

 Guild 25th anniversary
Knitted Leaves needed - Alison has pattern and silver yarn from which they are to be knitted.
There will be a display of the Guild members projects at the Craft and Quilt Show in June at Darling Harbour. The display will be in a glass front cabinet and silver leaves will connect all the displays. Leaves need to be done by March.
We need to enter a group photo and five examples of our group’s work to represent us. Terry volunteered to be our group representative. Display items need to be in by April. All members are invited to submit entries in February, the five items will be chosen by popular vote.
Membership Fees
Merrin has asked if at all possible we pay out annual subscription membership renewals by direct deposit or sending to Knitters Guild head office . The accounting shows us doubling up on income if we give them to Ann. If you do so please let Ann know that you have renewed.

Retail guest
Bev Cooper from Belisa Cashmere came to sell us her lovely yarns and patterns.
Bev has organized a visit to Australia by Galena, an expert in Orenburg Lace. We have accepted an offer to have Galena with us for the weekend 26th - 27th March 2011. The cost for the weekend will be $120 plus about $25 for materials. The group will cover the cost of rent.

Next month
Keith Ainsworth book sale - cash only
Please bring small plate of food for Christmas party

Reminder: Knitters' Guild of NSW Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 5th March, 2012, 11am: Target Theatre, Powerhouse Museum, Harris Street, Ultimo.
Nominations are hereby called for the following positions and should be submitted in writing to the Returning Officer on the Nomination form, no later than Friday, January 28th, 2011.
President (1)
Vice President (2)
Secretary (1)
Treasurer (1)
Executive Committee Members (4)

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