Saturday, 22 May 2010

May meeting

Executive Business:

A Ravelry Group is being set up for the Knitters Guild of NSW. It will have threads discussing events but not Guild business, please use the Guild website member login for that.

Next year the Guild is 25 years old. Ideas are being formulated as to celebrations. There will be a competition with prizes. There will be a formal dinner table presentation with all items hand knitted including a turkey. We will need volunteers to knit silver leaves by August. Alison will have more details at the June meeting as nothing is finalized yet.

Group News
A wool winder and a swift are now available during meetings. You are more than welcome to bring your skeins to the group and wind them.

Alison and Kris are setting up an email group for our group; please make sure that Alison has your correct email details.

Diary Dates

Sunday 6th June  - Back to Back Challenge - 1665 Bells Line of Roads, Kurrajong from 8am till finished. One of our group, Suzanne, will be in the team again. It is a really good family day with exhibits, and items for sale.

Monday 7th June  - annual ABC - "Wrap with Love" Knit In  - ABC, Harris Street, Ultimo, from 7am Details can be found here. Other Knit In venues on 7th June are:
* Penrith Library 9.30am - 3pm (tea and coffee supplied). Bring 8 ply wool and needles.
* Springwood and Katoomba libraries 10am-noon
* Springwood Pool

Saturday 12th June - World Wide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day - Abraham Mott Hall, The Rocks from 1.30 - 5.30 with loads of fun and raffles.

Thursday 17th June - WWKIP - Epping Library, 9am - noon.

16th - 20th June - Craft and Quilt Fair  - Darling Harbour.
The theme for this year's Guild exhibit is "Christmas in July". If you want to contribute or help contact Veronica Moschione.

knitting for charity

Guardian Angel Knitting is a partnership between Guardian pharmacies and the Salvos. Spotlight is selling discount yarn to use in the making of sweaters for the charity. Details in a Guardian pharmacy or here. Knitting must be finished by 31st July 2010.

Local events:

The Red Cow group meets upstairs at The Red Cow Hotel opposite Penrith station from 1.30 - 4.00 on the first Sunday every month.

Penrith library has a Knit In on the first Monday of the month from 10 am.

Retail: Lush Yarn

Marie from Lush Yarn had a large selection of merino and merino/silk and cashmere blends. She was also selling buttons, shawl pins and books. Sadly, Marie will no longer be part of the Lush team; she has chosen to to spend more time with her boys. We wish her well.

Michelle from Lush Yarn will continue the website and clubs.

Workshop (written by Diane)

Lynne Byass gave a workshop on slip stitch colour work; another technique new to me. It is quite simple and effective once you get the hang of it. Lynne brought books and samples for us to look at. Very interesting, thank you Lynne.

Show and Tell

Forthcoming meetings and workshops
Next meeting Jenny Dunne from Virginia Farm Woolworks will give us a demonstration of needle felting. She will also have fibre, yarn and spinning tools for sale.

Vicki needs the money now for the Jude Skeers workshop in August and the Lynne Johnson workshop in July; $40 each please.

The raffle was won by Yvonne.

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