Thursday, 22 April 2010

April meeting

The executive has asked that convenors all get a copy of each month’s minutes so that all groups will know what is happening in all the other groups in their Guild.

An official Knitters Guild Ravelry group, moderated by Redambition (Isabel) and KatieV (Kate), is to be established. It will be for discussion and announcements only. To join Ravelry, it is free and fun to use.

All official Guild business only be available (members only) on the Guild website To join, email Kris Howard through the website who will email you a password.

The Secretary is seeking information about workshops that are being held throughout the Guild.

The Guild is holding a Moebius workshop 22 May and a baby jacket workshop May 29-30 at the Epping Community Centre.

Tutors are required for country groups. If you can help, please contact Kate Venn.

Free patterns are needed for the Guild website; if you have one that isn't a breach of copyright please contact Kris.

Sally Ogilvie has put together a list of charities and their requirements for knitting. This list is available on the Guild website. If you know of one that isn't listed, please let Sally or Kris know.

Epping Group is holding “the Biggest Morning Tea” on May 17th Monday at 10 am and will include a tea cosy competition.

Please check the Guild website for events held by other groups and feel free to visit them.

If you do not or have not received a newsletter, hardcopy or email, please contact the newsletter editor.

The largest Guild group is the Inner City with 61 members, we are second.

National Alpaca week: 1-9 May. Many farms will be open to the public. Details are here Please contact Deb on 0408 868494 if you want to display alpaca garments or fibre or demonstrate knitting or spinning with alpaca.

Entries for the St Ives show will close on 7 May.

The Lawson Quilt and Fibre Arts Show is on 15-19 September. If you wish to enter items for sale or display, please contact Cheryl Adams 47591823.

Our July workshop is with Lynn Johnson on feral knitting/colour work. Those attending need to pay Vicki $40 next month.

Merrin stood down as Group Convenor. She was thanked for all her hard work. Alison was nominated by Kate and seconded by Donna and elected unanimously as our new Convenor and will take over from next month.

Sally Olgivie, PomPom on Ravelry and the face behind Winterwarm in Sydney and Sydney's Knit in Public Day, is in hospital having broken her hip in a fall. You can send get well wishes via her blog or Ravelry .

Bess and Anita from The Wool Inn tutored a workshop on crocheting the Hungarian rug. It is a great way to use up a stash of wool. The pattern is on Ravelry as the Wool Eater Blanket but it is easier if shown the techniques. Anita and Bess are happy for anyone to drop in at the shop if they need help. Quite a few of us made it to the 4th round and got the hang of it. Thank you both for your time and patience.

Retail – Lush Yarns
Workshop - slip-stitch colour work; will be facilitated by Lynne. Please bring two balls of different coloured yarn and needles to go with that ply.
Afternoon tea will be provided by Maree, Vicki, Anne and Laurel.

Two prizes:
Wool Inn Voucher won by Clair C
Lantern Moon Needles won by Marta (visitor)

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