Monday, 28 December 2009

December meeting

We welcomed visitors from Ainsworth books and Annemarie Huttermann selling handspun yarn and spinning fibre.
The one skein challenge was held with many great entries. The prize, a $50 Wool Inn voucher was won by Rosie Phillips for her fingerless mitts.

  • Reminder: The AGM will be held in March at the Powerhouse Museum.
  • Whether members can postal vote has not yet been decided.
  • The Corporations Act, which has meant some changes to our Constitution, may not be changed in time for changes to the Constitution to be voted at during 2010 AGM.
  • Members have been invited to submit an entry to a Tea Cosy Garden Exhibition to be held at Bundora Homestead (Victoria) from 6-30 May 2010. Enquiries 0411 604 435
  • Merrin has copies of a document on storing collections in high bushfire risk areas. Please see Merrin if you want a copy.
  • Four books have been donated to the library. They are:
    Easy Beaded Knits
    Crochet for Baby Dolls
    Luxury Knits
    Knitted Trims
  • The purchase of a swift and ball winder and blocking wires for the use of our group is still being pursued.
The raffle was won by Merrin.

Our next meeting is 16th January, 2010.
Afternoon Tea will be provided by Diane, Suzanne, Joanne and Meredith.

Enjoy this photo of newest "member": Chiara.

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