- Volunteers are are still needed for the Craft Fair at Darling Harbour 10-14 June. If you help for a 3 hour shift your admission to the Fair is free. Contact Merrin for the details
- Workshops [Epping]
- May – Aran knitting
- August – Moebius
Details are in the latest newsletter. - Faye Ellesworthy from the Standards Committee would like contributions for a book to mark the 25th anniversary of the Knitter’s Guild. The book will be Hints and How-to’s. Please pass on any contributions to Merrin.
- Congratulations to Kate [one of group members] who is now the Guild Secretary - we wish her well in this executive position. Clare [also from our group] continues as editor of the newsletter.
- The biannual Guild camp will be at Kurri Kurri on the October Long weekend, detail are in the newsletter.
- Pam North from the Southern Group will be holding a fair-isle workshop, one day per month over two months, 10am–4pm, Saturday May 16th and Saturday June 20th. maximum participants: 15; cost $70 [members only] includes morning and afternoon tea. To be held at Kogarah at the Old Schoolhouse, contact June Maddick on 9533 2064 for more information.
- The Northern Group is organising a bus trip to the Mudgee Muster 29-31 May. Cost: $250 includes dinner and accommodation at the Best Western. Maximum numbers 30.
- The Guild website now has a chat room for members only. Email Kris and get a password. There are only two websites for branches of the Guild and they are the Inner City Group and Blue Mountains Group. The Inner City Group has a members only section that we may discuss setting up with Kris.
Changes to calendar
- June - Kris Howard will visit us to talk about the "Knitternet", show us what is available and how to use the Guild website.
- September - "Stash Sale": Please bring along any yarn, books or accessories that you want to sell or swap.
knitters wanted
Nick from Nundle Woollen Mill is after people to knit and write patterns, see Merrin.
other events
- The "Back to Back Challenge" is on at Kurrajong at The Turpentine Tree Sunday 31 May.
- Spinning classes are available at the Springwood Arts Centre in Ferguson Road. Contact Suzanne for details on 47587049. Classes are held every Tuesday afternoon from 1.30 – 4 and every Wednesday night from 6.30 – 9. Enrolments and a spinning demonstration on Saturday May 2 at the Arts Centre.
- The Hawkesbury Show is on at the Clarendon Showground the first weekend in May. Entries for the show have closed.
Next month
Show and Tell revealed an interesting array of articles.
Ruth gave a short talk about getting perspective right when quilting and designing pictures for knitting.
The raffle was won by Janette and a second prize was won by Susan. The first prize winner had the choice of a book or a gift voucher donated by The Wool Inn.
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