Saturday, 6 December 2008

November meeting

November's meeting was once again well attended.

The branch AGM was conducted and the new positions are as follows:
Convenor - Merrin re-elected
Treasurer – Rosie re-elected
Secretary - Diane
Hospitality (meet and greet) - Lesley, Vernetta and Lois
Workshop Co-ordinator - Vicki
Afternoon Tea - Yvonne
Blog/Web mistress - Lynne
Library - Lesley

The Library will now be open from 3pm to 4pm only, to try and prevent books being mislaid. About 60 are still missing. There is a new book borrowing register as well.

Our Retail Guest was Bev from Belisa Cashmere and she sold many scarf kits and cones of her lovely Cashmere fibre.
She mentioned that her lace knitting cones have lubricant on them (part of the industrial processing) so for anything knitted for the Easter Show the fibre should be wound into skeins and washed before being made into garments. This would resolve any queries as to its content and fulfil requirements that the item not be washed before display.

The next meeting on the 20th December is the Xmas party and the Ainsworth Book sale. Please bring plenty of small change for books as it is cash only.

Membership is due by February or you will be charged a $10 renewal.

The raffle was won by Robyn, a first time visitor, and a second prize, donated by Belisa Cashmere, was won by Anne.

Kate Venn is nominating for a position in the Guild Executive.
East Timor Sisters project is having a sale at Mid Mountains Community Center of Weaving on Sunday Nov 23.
High Tea at Maggie and Al's Restaurant Dec 6 , booking essential.
Welcome to Mavis who is now a member.
Laminated signs, saying “Blue Mountains Knitter's Guild” with the Logo, have been made for us to hang when exhibiting. They were used at the “Love Lawson Festival”

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