Welcome to visitors to our meeting this month.
Knitters' Guild of NSW news
- The Guild's constitution is being rewritten to bring it into line with the Corporations Act. Any submissions/comments are to be made to the covennor [Merrin] or contact Sally Ogilvie. All changes will be made at the AGM next March.
- Please give your emergency contact details to Merrin. An energency contact list for all Blue Mountains members will be kept at the back of the sign on book.
- Please also check your contact details - phone number and email address - are current.
- The Guild is in the final stages of setting up a merchant account for credit card payments to the Guild.
- More knitting hints and tips are needed for the anniversary book. Please leave them with Merrin.
- An asset register is to be compiled so that the Guild will know what all groups hold, this way groups may be able to borrow from each other for exhibitions.
- The Guild website has a log on members only section . To join email Kris Howard and she will give you a password. Merrin puts up information for our group at this site.
- July 25th - Spinners and Weavers Guild NSW annual open day - St Pauls Burwood; 9.30-3.30
- August 5th - Knit In for Wrap with Love - Penrith: in the empty shop opposite The Wool Inn 9.30 - 1.30 (coffee and tea supplied)
- August 7th - Knit In for Wrap with Love - ABC building in Ultimo from 7am; also 10 am at Penrith, Windsor and Blackheath libraries.
- August 15th and 16th - Moebius workshop at Epping. Contact June Maddick at the Guild
- August 19-23Stitches and Craft Show Rosehill Racecourse; admission $10
- September 20th - Hornsby Bushland Festival - Fagan Park Galston: organic produce, quality arts and crafts
- October long weekend - Guild camp at Kurri Kurri *If you can't make it and want to donate please bring your finished articles to the August meeting and Merrin will pass them on.
Blue Mountains group
- More names for the afternoon tea roster for the next 4 months. Volunteers please.
- Next month's workshop with Jenny Dowde will go ahead as planned. It is an all day workshop in Room B and starts at 9.30. Morning tea is provided. $40 fee, bring your own lunch. Vicki has space for another two or three so please contact her if you are interested. Bring as many colors as you want and needles to suit your yarn. DK or lighter is preferable. Any questions to Vicki Hughes.
Jane Slicer-Smith was our guest retailer. She gave a slide presentation about her company, Signatur Knits, which sells knitting kits and finished garments. It was a very interesting talk about how she got started at art school in the U.K., how she ended up in Australia and started her business at a stall in Paddington markets. She has a background in design working with many of the U.K. woollen mills. She has a team of knitters who produce the finished goods for her. We saw a sneak preview of her new book due to be released later this year. She modelled many of her designs and explained how she designed to suit a figure. Jane showed us many design tricks that make the finished garment much more flattering. We then had a chance to try on garments for ourselves and buy finished or kits and yarns.
The raffle was won by Lynne and Vicki.
Afternoon tea next month: Monica, Anne, Yvonne and Marie.