Sunday, 16 March 2008

Entrelac workshop

There were so many people at this month's meeting that it was hard for late-comers to find a place to sit! A big welcome to all our visitors; we hope to see you again next month.

Congratulations to Raelene on being made a life member of the Guild for services rendered. It is a well-deserved accolade. Raelene was presented with a certificate of recognition from the Blue Mountains group by our convenor, Merrin.

Our workshop, taught by the competent and, as always, well-prepared Raelene was on entrelac knitting using a method devised by Brenda Horne. It is made entirely of garter stitch and is not knit on the bias, therefore no starting triangles are needed. Raelene showed us many examples of entrelac, ranging from the ubiquitous colourwork [on the bias] to a beautiful shawl knitted in combination of stocking stitch and lace knitting. We then learnt the thumb method of cast-on and knitted out first square. Using the easy-to-follow notes prepared byRaelene, we moved on the second and third squares. By the end of the workshop, some had completed more than half the sample piece and by the end of the afternoon had completed it entirely.

A second workshop in entrelac will be held next month; this time using stocking stitch on the bias.

Anita and her helpers from The Wool Inn in Penrith were at the meeting to tempt us with all sorts of interesting goodies.

The raffle this month had three prizes; these were won by Diane, Yvonne and Lesly.

Members are reminded that the closing date for articles for the Exhibition in Friday 11th April.