Tuesday, 26 June 2007

June meeting

We had a very inspirational talk from Wendy Townsend - the work she showed us inspired us and amazed us!

Wendy used to knit and crochet. She designed her own jumpers although she didn't always knit them - she had a team of knitters working for her (as many designers do). Here is a jumper she designed for one of her daughters. And this is what you do with those dozens of tension swatches you've made over the years.

Wendy has now turned to felting - this lovely summer blanket is made from felt.
Wendy's felt is made from roving, not knitted items which are then felted. After the afternoon tea break, Wendy gave a demonstration of felting - the blanket must have taken hundreds of hours because it is not a quick technique!

More of Wendy's work can be seen at this webpage.

Show and Tell revealed the usual array of style and items, including Diane's steeked fingerless gloves.

The raffle winner for this month was Janette Strong. Her prize was a voucher from The Wool Inn, Penrith.

Thanks to Susan for taking photos at this meeting.

Members reminders:
* if interested, please register for the camp (long weekend Sept/Oct)
* bring your favourite knitting hint/tool to the meeting next month to share with other members